Christmas Is Here People!..SO WHAT?

CHRISTMAS. What does that word mean to you? I don’t know what CHRISTMAS means for and to you and your family, but it sure has a heavy meaning in mine. This is a festive time, and as almost always, my wife is worrying herself sick about what she will cook, what my daughters will wear […]

decorated christmas on display

signpost showing right and wrong

Value-Based Parenting Pt. 1

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re all dressed up, your wife and child in tow, heading to a friend’s function, and while there everything is going on well then your child breaks out in prayer and everyone is surprised at how well brought up they are? Well…. That hasn’t happened to me […]

Today or tomorrow? for which are you parenting?

Goals are wishes with a timeline attached to them. We all have wishes for our kids, but do we have goals for our parenting? Every single thing we do as parents is a choice and with that comes  consequences, as adults this glaring fact goes without saying, but do we pass that same reasoning to […]

clock immersed in water

copper statue of child inside the palm

Harm or Hurt – Which one are you keeping them from?

  To every dad, the defacto superman in the house, keeping harm and hurt at bay is part of the job description. Some pull it off with ease while some fail most of the times – like me, but not all the time though, otherwise what business would I have writing to fellow dads? We […]