who exactly are you?
it is very interesting how no parent wants the worst for their kids..unless you’re talking of Mr. Gomez and his wife Morticia of the cartoon ‘The Addams family’.
Every dad wants the best and only the best for their children and this reason, as noble and commendable as it is can be, has seen the lives of the children being striped from them by the very people who claim to be after their Children’s best.
How can this be so?
As father’s we sometimes find ourselves trying to live vicariously through the lives of our kids. You want your daughter to become a doctor not because they are specifically gifted but because you failed to make it to Medical school.
Or you are trying to cajole your child into a certain sport not because you want to nurture an interest you see in them but simply because you were a sickly child and hence never made it as far as you wanted in sports.
Our Children should not be better versions of us but better versions of who they were the previous day.
As dads, we certainly want the best for our children.. I know I do.. I want my daughter to grow up and be all that God intended her to be, like the doctor I never was or the star footballer I was never able to be….wait…what just happened there?
Anyway, What I meant to say, is that the same thing be said of her as it was said of King David in
The Book of Acts 13:36
“For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption..”
As fathers, the only way we can stop trying to live our lives or the lives we would have loved to live if the world revolved around us and we were God…..and I digress again, as i was saying, the only way this can happen is if we get our identity from something or someONE greater than ourselves.
Get your identity from God and your child will have a reliable example to follow. Share on X
So as dads let’s get our identity from God through Jesus and in that way, have enough material to nurture our kids into getting their identity from Him and accomplishing everything God meant for them.
Point to ponder:
1. How have you been living your life through your child?
2. Where do you get your identity from?
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