What does that word mean to you?
I don’t know what CHRISTMAS means for and to you and your family, but it sure has a heavy meaning in mine. This is a festive time, and as almost always, my wife is worrying herself sick about what she will cook, what my daughters will wear and what the activities will be for this festive season.
Me on the other hand, apart from worrying where the finances to cater for whatever worries my wife about Christmas will come from, I am cool! or is that denial?
Christmas has come to mean very many things to very many people. But I wonder how many look upon Christmas with the wonder and awe that clothed the shepherds as they looked upon the face of the baby wrapped in swaddles in a manger?
Our run-away consumerism habit coupled with an increasingly secular worldview has blurred our vision on what and most definitely WHO Christmas is all about.
As a father I would love to give my kids all they want on this awesome day of the year that we celebrate the gift of all gifts – JESUS, but I worry that I am bound to create an unfair correlation between Christmas and getting stuff.
A brief look at that first Christmas may shed some light on how we are to view Christmas.
The scene starts with shepherds going about their business on some hill in Bethlehem, probably they were hoping this would be another lackluster day like those that had come before.
The sky, without any prior notice, was lit by an angel in all his radiance. Before the shepherds could take to the hills or maybe faint, this calming words were uttered “Do not be afraid, for I bring you good news that will be a source of joy to all people…”
Does Christmas bring JOY to you and your family?
The angel continues to tell the shepherds where to find this source of joy.
Read the whole thing in the book of Luke chapter 2.
One thing that really amazes me when I look at that text is found in Luke 2:19, which jumps out to me in a very unique way – “… but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.”
What do you call putting something in your heart and thinking often about it? MEDITATING. Mary meditated on the birth and the ensuing events of her son’s birth.
I wonder how many people think of Christmas during the year and NO, I don’t mean in retrospect on the past year’s Christmas but as a conscious thought throughout the whole year.
As you prepare on how to spend the Christmas with your kids, I hope as a Dad you will purpose to put Jesus at the fore of your conversations during this period so that the gift of Jesus’ birth isn’t lost on you and your family – I purpose to do the same.
Otherwise, also plan to make it fun for your kids and make memories while you’re at it so that when you talk about God’s gift to mankind through His son Jesus, the past doesn’t come up as a barricade to that all-so beautiful picture of THE baby in a manger.
So what are your plans for this Christmas?